Macfusion alternative
Macfusion alternative

macfusion alternative

For things to work correctly, the user-spacefile system must then translate these remote identifiers to match thelocal ones.


Typically, your "local" user/group identifiers (on the Mac OS X client) are different from those onyour FTP or SSH server. If the user-space file system program doesn't implement an "access"method, then MacFUSE will let your OS X kernel do permission check.However, this relies on the user and group identifiers that arereported by the user-space file system. If the user-space file system program (such as sshfs-static,curlftpfs, or whatever MacFusion might be using) actually implements apermission check method (the "access" method), MacFUSE will call thatmethod to see if a given user has access to a given file.2.


I am using OSX 10.4.9 on a macbook (intel).Please provide any additional information below.I have been searching and reading whatever I could on the web since Iinstalled macfuse/fussion and hit this problem 5 hours ago with no luck infinding anything useful, just the occasional rude linux or mac user makingsome comment about windows as an inferior ftp server, but nothing useful :-(Please help"To which he replied:"MacFUSE 0.3.0 can do file permission check in 2 ways:1.


Try to connect.for me, I get a 'permissions' error :-(What is the expected output? What do you see instead?I expect to be able to read/write/delete/modify the remote files just likeI can with webdrive on a pc (windows 2000/xp).Instead I can't even open the default folder (which moments before andafter opened fine in cyberduck and fireftp in firefox).What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?I installed the latest compiled binary version available for download andinstall as of today (May 8, ie I downloaded and installed macfuse andmacfusion today.I restarted after macfuse installed and followed all ofthe macfusion directions).


Set the permissions in cerberus so that a user must provide a usernameand password, but that user has full read/write access (all permissionboxes checked) to the folders they are assigned (for my primary workcomputer I have access to the entire 'c:' drive, so in macfusion ftp thedefault folder I see after login is simply called 'c').3.

macfusion alternative


Install cerberus ftp server (or probably any ftp server on a windows2000 pc)2. When I connect to my 'atspace' account, there is no problem, when I connectto my account on the university's novell server, there is no problem.What steps will reproduce the problem?1. This is crazy as it is no problem from any other software.One note, this only happens when connecting to an ftp server on a pc atwork. I can connect to any of them with cyberduck, or withfireftp plugin for firefox with my mac with full read and write capability(though for some reason I can not modify files on those work computersusing any mac ftp client whereas doing so with windows-based ftp clientslike webdrive is no problem), but when I try to even open the defaultfolder using a macfusion ftp connection (macfuse and curlftpfs I think ituses) the folder will not open and I am told that I do not have'permission'. Macfuse with macfusion is the closest thingI can find to webdrive, but there is a serious problem.My workplace (electrochemistry lab) uses windows 2000 computers withcerberus ftp servers.

macfusion alternative

I am trying to use macfusion and macfuse on my mac like I can usesouthriver's webdrive on a pc. Hi folks, I hadn't found this forum so I posted this original message to Amit Singh via his "issues" section on his google macfuse site:"My apologies if this is the wrong forum for this matter, but it is drivingme crazy. Īll contributions and suggestions warmly welcomed - View image here:. I haven't had any problems with macfusion, but I'd like to contribute in some way even if it's only bug reports so I'm going to go install it. The focus has been on successful fixing of priority defects and improved MacFusion logging so that future issues will be more easily address.In a few days' time we should find news of the next beta at the project wiki.

macfusion alternative

Minor PITA, agreed, but I understand why Michael may have refrained from posting the beta to the MacFusion home page or the Downloads area of the project. Originally posted by FoO:pita to find - here's a tinyurl for others looking for this beta.

Macfusion alternative